Madrid: New Humanity working for the right to international solidarity

On 29th and 30th March 2014 Madrid was the venue for a study seminar on Human Rights and International Solidarity aimed at contributing to the formulation of a Declaration on the human rights and of individuals to international solidarity, which the Human Rights Council is currently undertaking. It is an issue which New Humanity has been studying for a considerable time. The first presentation made to the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights dates as far back as August 2006.
The seminar was promoted by Mrs. Esther Salamanca, lecturer in international law at the University of Valladolid and member of New Humanity, and by Mr. Juan Garcia Gutierrez, lecturer in philosophy of education at UNED and member of New Humanity, and on their invitation the event saw the participation of Ms. Maria Angeles Cano lecturer in international public law at King Juan Carlos University, Julian Vara lecturer in philosophy of law at San Pablo University CEU, Mr. Salvador Morillas jurist and lawyer. Representing New Humanity there were also Mr. Marco Aquini and Mr. Davide Bilardi.
In the course of the meeting specific reference was made to the 2013 draft Declaration formulated by Mrs Virginia Dandan, Independent Expert for the UN on International Solidarity and Human Rights. This draft had already been the subject of direct observations and comments from New Humanity and other NGOs.
With regard to future developments of the draft and on the issue tackled a specific slot will be dedicated thereto in the course of the Human Rights Council next June.
The seminar highlighted the importance and centrality of the question and concurred with the focus given by the Independent Expert in the draft Declaration. Among other issues examined closely was a definition of the human right to international solidarity, a key passage of the declaration, and New Humanity trusts it will be able to help make some improvements to the text.
The seminar thus constituted an important, though by no means final, stage in New Humanity’s involvement in this area.