Relational Sustainability International Congress

The contribution of the natural and human sciences to a new synthesis of personal, environmental, social, and economic dimensions

18 – 20 October 2024 

Castel Gandolfo (Italy) | Cordoba (Argentina)

Relational sustainability, the central theme of this international conference, focuses on the interactions for the achievement of sustainability in its various dimensions: ecological, political, sociological, medical, legal, psychological, sporting, economic, artistic, communicative, pedagogical, and architectural, in the medium to long term. Any hypothesis of sustainability in today’s world challenges its proponents to deal with the complexity of social, economic, cultural, and natural structures and their interactions. The speed of processes, partly due to technological innovation in many fields, has given humanity unprecedented power. However, this has not enabled us to use the Earth’s resources sustainably. The planet is gasping for air as a result of human activity: while living conditions have improved to an unprecedented degree thanks to energy derived from fossil fuels, this progress has not been without its “side effects”, the main one being global warming, which is upsetting the climate balance. Addressing the complexity of the global environmental and social crisis requires a new cultural synthesis capable of integrating all these perspectives of contemporary knowledge and culture. If we can establish constructive relationships between humanity and the cosmos and among human groups, orienting processes towards the common good of humanity and nature, sustainability will emerge as an emergent property, qualifying as “relational”.

The International Conference “Relational Sustainability. The contribution of the natural and human sciences to a new synthesis of personal, ecological, social, and economic dimensions” is organised by New Humanity and promoted by EcoOne Ecologically United together with MPpU (Political Movement for Unity), SocialOne, Health Dialogue and Culture, Communion and Law, Psychology and Communion, Sportmeet, Economy of Communion, Clarté, NetOne Media & Communication for a United World, Edu, and Dialogues in Architecture. These international cultural initiatives, born within the Focolare Movement, aim to initiate a reciprocal dialogue with the world of culture and all its different expressions. This dialogue is open to all those who feel the urgency of the challenges we face today, in order to develop a line of thought and teaching in each of the different fields, inspired by Chiara Lubich’s paradigm of unity. And this does not mean uniqueness, but rather a discourse with a plurality of thoughts, perspectives, and ideas from yesterday and today; not only for the sake of comparison, but to generate an innovative result for culture and to offer possible answers to current and future challenges.

On this page you can download:

🖼️ The poster 

📄 The flyer (Call for Papers)

📐 The abstract submission forms


📣 Updates and communications

Participants from Eastern Europe – Africa – Middle East – Asia (not Korea-Japan) – will have a 30% discount on participation fees. Registration fees for congress participants at the Cordoba venue are listed in the call for papers in Spanish, registration fees for the congress at the Castel Gandolfo venue are listed in the call for papers in English and Italian.

📄 Second Circolar

Re-opening of Registration

By 2 October in online and in-person mode, with the possibility of purchasing the Europe package, overnight accommodation and breakfast, and/or meals for partial participation.

By 17 October with the only possibility to register for the congress (online or in-person).

For more information, please contact: