Media Literacy Training for Youth Workers

This training gives you some tools and best-practice for facilitating meetings and workshops online. It focuses on making these digital spaces more interactive and engaging and is a space to practice the new tools learned.

Facilitatior: Rainer Gude


🖼️ [IT] Progettare eventi online coinvolgenti

📄 [IT] CHECKLIST e CONSIGLI per la progettazione di un workshop online

🖼️ [FR] Concevoir des événements en ligne engageants

📄 [FR] LISTE DE CONTRÔLE, ÉTAPES et CONSEILS pour la conception d’un atelier

🖼️ [EN] Designing Engaging Online Events

📄 [EN] CHECKLIST, STEP, and TIPS for designing a n online Workshop

Lesson #1 

Lesson #2

Lesson #3 

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