
DIALOP fosters and supports the dialogue of good willing persons, with secular and religious backgrounds, especially between Socialist/Marxists and Christians. In collaboration with universities and other formal or informal educational institutions, DIALOP aims to develop and implement the fields of a Social Ethics, applying the principles of the Marxian Social Critique and the Social Doctrine of the Church. 

DIALOP is a non-profit association that pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of §§ 34 ff BAO:

  • Implementation of an academic think-tank in “transversal social ethics”: RESET
  • Collaboration with universities as well as other formal and informal educational institutions
  • Facilitation of dialogue initiatives between the Catholic Church (the global Compact https://www.educationglobalcompact.org/en/ ) and the European Left (transform!Europe-network.net)
  • Sustainable, not directly interest-led transversal dialogue between different worldviews, cultures and religions
  • Collaboration and networking with groups and associations for weltanschauung interacting
  • Promotion and engagement in science, art and culture and their mediation

📩 📰 Read DIALOP NEWSLETTER – August 2023


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Contact: dialopconference2024@gmail.com