Inside the European Parliament: a three-day political experience in Brussels

New Humanity is committed to forming people who have knowledge, skills, values and determination that foster peace, universal brotherhood, and dialogue between cultures, religions, peoples, generations: people capable to look beyond their own nation in a global and unified vision of the world.
Informal education:
To train young people in intercultural, interreligious and inter-generational dialogue through meetings, national and international congresses, cultural exchanges, local actions developed through the “United World Project” in the fields of the environment, economy, politics, art, sport, communication, family life, digital technologies …
Intercultural and interdisciplinary training in a culture of unity at the university level. Training and support for young people from African countries with the “Together for a New Africa” project: an interdisciplinary path of leadership for young African graduates.
To train young people to be and to act as citizens of the world for peace: leadership training and civic responsibility. Solidarity actions and inclusion with the MILONGA project of international volunteering. Local actions with migrants.
Formal education:
To train young people to build peace in their schools. Peace education developed in an international network of schools also through Living Peace International.
Family and Education –
Teens –
Youth –