Living Peace International 2023 report: reaching more than 2,000 schools and groups in 132 countries for peace education
Peace education and Global citizenship is one of New Humanity’s main action fields and Living Peace International is one of the projects supported by the organization which is profoundly dedicated to making this commitment a reality.
Central to the mission of Living Peace is its dedication to peace education, with a focus on nurturing active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, and respect for diversity. Through effective and creative learning experiences and pedagogical practices, such as the “Dice of Peace” and the “Time Out”, the project aims at improving everyone’s commitment to live peace and for peace in every context, and to build a “net” of peace that wraps the Earth.
Here are some of the highlights of the report:
Global Reach, Local Impact
- The project reached 132 countries and involved over 2,000 schools, associations, and parishes.
- It established 40 WhatsApp groups based on languages and geographical regions.
- Partnered with 94 international and national peace organizations.
- 757 Young Ambassadors of Peace were appointed and recognized as “builders of peace” by their actions and words, being agents of positive change in their communities.
Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives
- Inaugurated six new Great Dice of Peace in different parts of the world.
- 45 different versions of the Dice of Peace were created in 29 languages.
- Participates in the AFR.E.S.H Project with virtual exchanges on education for peace with young and adults, specially relating it with the SDG’s.
Recognition and Awards
- Received the PRÉMIO Municipal de Mérito Escolar from Matosinhos City Hall, Portugal.
- Awarded the INTERNATIONAL PEACE AWARD by the One Billion Youths for Peace Foundation, India