Togetherness in Action: Strengthening Leadership at the T4NA Summer School

The “Together for a New Africa” (T4NA) Summer School 2024 took place from September 23 to September 27 and marked a significant milestone in training the next generation of leaders across the African continent. As part of the AFR.E.S.H. Project, co-funded by the European Union, the Summer School was hosted in a hybrid format that united six countries from the AFR.E.S.H consortium and nine other invited African countries that had already participated in the Summer School in 2023.
The training program emphasized the theme “Togetherness: Building Teams and Leaders for a New Africa”, designed to reinforce leadership attitudes and civic participation through a blend of local training activities and international exchange. Lecturers, facilitators, and participants from European countries expanded the participants’ perspectives from both continents on common challenges and diverse cultural viewpoints regarding the topics discussed.
Enhancing Peer-to-Peer Learning
In response to participant feedback from the Summer School in 2023, the 2024 program focused on increasing opportunities for exchange among participants. The structure included fewer lectures and more collaborative sessions, allowing attendees to share their insights and best practices on leadership. Discussions were facilitated in English, French, and Portuguese, accommodating the diverse linguistic backgrounds of participants.
A notable new feature was the peer-to-peer moments, where participants from different countries, but sharing a common language, engaged in meaningful conversations about their reflections and proposals based on the lectures. Feedback indicated that these moments were highly appreciated and contributed significantly to the learning experience.
Opening Session and Key Themes
The event began with a powerful address from Prof. Justus Mbae, former Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa and Chairperson of T4NA. He emphasized the crucial role of individual passion, energy, and curiosity in driving meaningful change. Prof. Mbae’s message resonated with participants, motivating them to embrace their potential as agents of transformation.
Dr. Melchior Nsavyimana, the project manager of T4NA, expressed his gratitude for the commitment shown by all involved in making the training a reality. His acknowledgment of the collaborative efforts among participants from various regions underscored the essence of teamwork in achieving common goals.
The first day featured a reflective session led by Professor Declan O’Byrne, Rector of Sophia Institute University, who engaged participants in discussing the challenges and opportunities of leadership in today’s world. This segment proved impactful, as participants reflected on their own leadership journeys and the wisdom required to navigate complex environments.
Throughout the week, various crucial themes were explored, including:
- Collaboration and Complex Issues: A session on “Hard Problems & Contextual Factors,” moderated by Annette Pelkmans, Professor of International Economics at Sophia University Institute, highlighted the importance of collective action in solving complex challenges. The introduction of the “6 by 1 methodology” provided a structured framework for participants to navigate these difficulties, encouraging them to reflect on the challenges of fraternity, love, and globalization.
- Conflict Management: Raphaël Takougang, a lawyer at the Cameroon Bar Association, led discussions on conflict transformation and peacebuilding, reinforcing the idea that everyone plays a role in fostering peace through daily actions and commitments.
- Gender Inequality: Geneviève Sanze highlighted the vital role of women in socio-economic development, stressing the importance of recognizing unpaid labor and advocating for balanced partnerships between men and women. Her insights on mutual societies and initiatives focused on women’s development underscored the potential for creating more equitable communities.
In addition to thematic discussions, time was allocated for national group exchanges, allowing participants to delve deeper into the content and develop action plans tailored to their local contexts. These collaborative sessions fostered a sense of community and mutual support, essential elements for effective leadership.
A Collaborative Closure
As the training concluded, Melchior Nsavyimana, Project Manager of Together for a New Africa, encouraged participants to become active citizens and implement the lessons learned in their communities. The event wrapped up by reaffirming the significance of collaborative leadership in building a stronger, more equitable, and united Africa.
The T4NA Summer School 2024 not only equipped young leaders with essential skills and knowledge but also created a vibrant network of individuals committed to driving positive change. As they return to their communities, these leaders carry with them a renewed sense of purpose and a commitment to fostering unity and collaboration across the continent.
To access all the materials and lectures from the Summer School, visit AFR.E.S.H. Project.
For more information on the Together for a New Africa project, visit the website.