Quito: United World Week 2016 have been launched from Equador

United World Week by the Youth for a United World
1 – 11 May 2016
“Link Culture – A path for Peace” is the title of the main event of the United World Week (UWW) 2016. This year, the main event has been organised at the Equador’s capital city, some weeks after that a tremendous hearthquake hit the Country. It has been a unique occasion to “ask again with a renovate strenght unity and peace for our people”.
As usual, the Youth for a United World – the Youth section of New Humanity – promoted also this year all over the world a long list of initiatives aimed to make visible a growing culture of fraternity. The topic of this year was interculture: to develop the dialogue among the different cultures and to aknowledge that all the human beings are equal in dignity.
Read more at the new website of the Youth for a United World