International Projects: We are looking for Youh Volunteers for an Experience into a Jourdan Refugee Camps


Leave alone your TV, spend your Summer into an Hot Spots managed by Caritas Jordan

7-19 August 2016

The present refugee crisis in Europe, the importance of Social Media in order to promote a culture for dialogue and promotion of human rights, the need to have a deep awareness about the real daily difficulties of refugees,…are the main reasons leading to Jourdan a group of Youth people of New Humanity and other organisations form 9 European and Middle Eastern Countries. They will live an experience of voluntary work at the refugees’ hot spots managed by Caritas Jordan, from the 7 to the 19 August 2016.

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Leave alone your TV, spend your Summer into an Hot Spots managed by Caritas Jordan

7-19 August 2016

The present refugee crisis in Europe, the importance of Social Media in order to promote a culture for dialogue and promotion of human rights, the need to have a deep awareness about the real daily difficulties of refugees,…are the main reasons leading to Jourdan a group of Youth people of New Humanity and other organisations form 9 European and Middle Eastern Countries. They will live an experience of voluntary work at the refugees’ hot spots managed by Caritas Jordan, from the 7 to the 19 August 2016.

Join them, write to


Other Activites linked to the same project:
– A training course in Turkey the next month of October will improve the skills on journalism, report and storytelling of participants and it will teach them on how to promote human rights – mainly the freedom of expression.
– Another training course in Germany will be held the next month o f March, aimed to develop techinical skills on the production of social documentaries by using videos and immages collected during the previous experiences. Occasions to meet refugees hosted by the German Refugee Camps and to compare the various systems of reception will be ensured as well.

This activity in Jourdain is part of a project financed by the European Union (Erasmus‪‬ + Programme) called “HOST SPOT”. This title has been choosen in order to reflect about the two main aspect of the project: it includes the European concept of “Hotspot” – with this, the EU’s institutions refers to the refugees shelters where happens the distinction among refugees and economical migrants – and “spot”, considering that at the end of the project a video-documentary will be produced.

The Appeal:
“We are young and we have various backgrounds. We are ready to aquire new competences and skills in order to act and to protect the right to the freedom of expression and to be involved into the realisation of documentaries aimed to tell the living experiences of refugees. We will meet refugees running away to Jourdain from the Syrian and Iraqi conflicts. We will feel the importance of reciprocity in an extraordinary way and we will develop together ideas, cultural contributions and living experiences through visiting the jourdan refugee camps.
Finally, we will record the personal histories and the daily life in the refugee camps, hearing their difficulties during their way and after their arrival in the EU. The aim is to provide more information to the civil society, supporting their understanding of such a phenomena and to sensibilise their consciousness.”