Paris: The Pres. of the Gen. Conf. of UNESCO, Ms Bogyay, received a N. H.’s youth delegation

On the afternoon of Friday 22nd February, a delegation of Youth for a United World (New Humanity’s youth section), met H. E. Bogyay, President of the UNESCO General Conference (the organization of permanent representation of the 195 member states of UNESCO). In the course of the meeting, the Y4UW thanked Ms Katalin Bogyay for her precious talk (English)at their international meeting held in Budapest, last summer: Genfest 2012. They also presented to her the activities which are now being promoted in all those Countries where Youth for a United World is present.
«We are of three different nationalities (Chilean, French and Italian) – explain the members of the delegation – but in the hours leading up to the meeting we declared we were “ambassadors” of Africa, Oceania, all of South America, and that we would fulfill our “Ubuntu” (that typically African community value, of “I am what I am because of who we all are”), and that we would truly be there to represent every young person on every continent.» Bogyay expressed her admiration for the extraordinary impact which the event had in her city of Budapest and for all the young people of the world who were connected to the event via the social networks.
The President of the UNESCO General Conference also stressed the importance of the Genfest for the Organization over which she presides. During the event, the 12,000 young people present became better acquainted with UNESCO’s aims and values, finding profound affinities with what they themselves have been promoting in their own activities (dialogue, peace, fraternity).
Youth for a United World have had the opportunity to illustrate their approach to action in the course of their activities and in their daily life in order to spread a culture focused on the principle of fraternity. Bogyay listened with interest to the outlining of the forthcoming activities which Youth for a United World are planning. In particular the collecting of “fragments of fraternity“, to be presented to the national commissions of about thirty nations at UNESCO, as testimony of the signs of the times which are pushing mankind today towards universal fraternity.
«You are the hope for mankind.» With these words Bogyay concluded by encouraging Youth for a United World to set about preparing their United World Week 2013 with vigour. The United World week is a yearly event in which they actively promote initiatives aimed at spreading fraternal behaviour all around the world. The climax of United World Week 2013 will take place on the first of May in Jerusalem, with the presence of a hundred young people from the five continents and important academic and religious figures.