Paris: Conference on intercultural dialogue in the Amazon

Dr. Lívia Negrão, Professor of Ethno-Musicology at the University of the State of Parà (Brazil) and member of New Humanity, presented at the Joint Programmatic Commission on Intercultural Dialogue and Peace a conference entitled: “Why invest in intercultural dialogue in a course to obtain a music diploma in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest?”
To be sure, an «unexplored aspect of the intercultural dialogue» commented Mrs. Catherine Deremble, president of the hosting Commission.
Prof. Negrão’s presentation focused specifically on her experience of intercultural dialogue in the academic sphere and the anthropological reflection arising therefrom.
A talk which was wide-ranging and original, both in the scientific aspects described, and in the power of innovation deriving from the experience of this teacher with her pupils. What most struck the audience was indeed Dr. Negrão’s method and how she aims to bring into dialogue, greatly-differing musical cultures, such as western classical music, Gospel of the Evangelical Churches and popular musics from the Amazonian culture from which her pupils come.
As professor Negrão highlighted, «putting together these different musics and cultures and giving each its place, in continuous interaction with the others, is an enormously enriching pedagogical path and a remarkable vehicle for peace.»
At the end of her talk, Dr. Negrão received a special token of appreciation from President Deremble and some other NGO representatives participating in this event.
«Her skills and the contribution of New Humanity, which she identified as the methodology for dialogue, will certainly be a point of reference for this Commission, and one on which both to reflect and act.» were the words used, at the end of the meeting, by Chantal Grevin, main Representative of New Humanity in Paris.