NY: Battle against poverty, N. H.’s proposition to UN

Space and interest for the New Humanity proposition about Poverty Eradication in occasion of the 50th session of the UN Commission for Social Development just focused in this topic. Submitted by the youth of Economy of Communion project the document: Poverty Eradication: Ongoing Developments in The Economy of Communion in Freedom Project, now on-line on the UN website.
Hosts for the occasion in a huge ‘Main Meeting Hall’ at the United Nations Headquarters, protagonist of the event was the Economy of Communion (EoC) project that, launched 20 years ago by Chiara Lubich in Brazil, wants to be an answer to the social problems of this country and of all over the world.
In front of about fifty countries and NGOs representants from three Continents – and just for this reason a strong testimony of the internationality of the project – presents a group of repporteurs purposely come for their contribution from: Burundi, Brazil, Philippine and several USA’s States.
EoC Project was presented under several point of view. Particularly Dr. John Mundell, manager and member of the EoC/USA Commission and Dr. Elisabeth Garlow, from Boston, speaking in relation with the present economical recession, illustred the EoC’s idea of Business process management offering several testimonies of EoC’s companies while, young Alexis Nsabimana presented EoC progect’s experience in Africa underlining the importance of the tipical strong communitarians values for it in this Continent.
Opening the meeting, was on the contrary . Mons. Francis A. Chullikatt, Delegate to the UN for the Permanente Observer Mission to the Holy See and co-organizator of this event, that emphasized the importance of promoting an integral human development as underlined in the encyclical Caritas in Veritate.
Finally, young Cláudia H. Martins Menegassi (Brazil) and John P. D. Flores Yumul (Philippines) run over the stages of Chiara Lubich’s intuition launching EoC project again and read the “Message of the Youth from Sao Paulo to the World”, launched in occasion of its twenthier anniversary.
This message, together with EoC experience about “Eradicating Poverty Through Fraternity” and some propositions about a fair taxation and Financial transaction taxes, is actually insered in a preparatory document available on United Nations website.