Nairobi: the event “Sharing with Africa” opens the United World Week 2014 of New Humanity’s youth

Every year, in the month of May, New Humanity’s youth (Y4UW) promotes the United World Week, the large collection of initiatives to promote universal fraternity all around the world. This year the launch of the Week coincided with a major event in Nairobi from 25th April to 5th May and linked to the Sharing with Africa Project, promoted by Y4UW on the African continent.
Presentation Sharing with Africa event in Nairobi (Italian)
Since 1996 the United World Week has seen Y4UW playing a leading role in initiatives of many types to influence public opinion in the more than 180 countries in which it is present and to bear joint witness that building a united world is possible. It is a proposal to the cities, to the institutions, to all, to promote fraternity and peace at all levels. It is part of the United World Project, through which New Humanity’s youth section intends to make fraternity the new cornerstone of every facet of human knowledge.
This eighteenth edition has wished to focus particularly on the African continent, where Y4UW are, in particular, the promotors of the Sharing with Africa project and, through this, are fostering the spirit of Ubuntu, the African proverb rendered in the expression “I am because we are”, and the basis of African culture of community.
From 25th April to 5th May, Nairobi saw a hundred young people from 29 nations, both African and other, come together to reflect on this principle and to examine how to enact it in their own environments. Opportunities were not lacking for tourist activities, sharing and concrete acts of support for the African people.
The United World Week then continued in every corner of the planet from the 1st to the 11th of May, with a great blossoming of initiatives in the areas of politics, the economy, work, protection of the environment, sport, media, science, and art.
For example in Mumbai (India), Y4UW painted the walls of a slum devasted by the monsoon together with the children of an orphanage and planted more than 200 trees with a local NGO. In New York (US), was organized a “Walkathon” in Harlem in order to encourage youngsters to leave the street life. “We continue to love” was the slogan of an initiative in Bangui (RCA) where youth shared with hundreds of refugees not only food and school equipement, but also testimonies, songs and testimonies over the art of love, in order to help people who materlially lost everything. In Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Y4UW reflected over “Solidarity, as a measure of the African cohesion” and met a community of leper in Marchoux, keeping hopefulness to all the inhabitants. In Paris (France), the theme was “Bridging Cultures” and reflected over the European objective and project. In Abrigada (Portugal), concerts, workshops and forums were centered on the golden rule, key for the universal fraternity. In Tagaytay (Philippines), were organized a series of sport activities and in Onitsha, Abuja and Jos (Nigeria) activities on hail of diversities. A concert was organized in Ambatondrazaka (Madagacar) in front of a thousand of Youth. Loppiano (Italy) became a large square where Y4UW shown how they are working for a different Italy in the field of Legality, Interreligious dialogue and Migration.
To find out more read:
Sharing With Africa
Sharing with Africa Event in Nairobi
United World Week 2014