International Projects – Milonga


Milonga, “Mil ONG en Acción

Key Words: Youth, International Exchange, Voluntary Work

Promoter: New Humanity

Project Summary: MilONGa is the acronym for “Mil ONG en Acción” (One thousand  of NGOs in Action). This Project actively engages over 18 young people from 1 to 6 months into several actions for the social development of various world peripheries. This initiative is promoted in cooperation with the Focolari Movement and in dialogue with other local hummanitarian organisations. Respect, inclusion and fraternity are the focus values for this project. There are already 12 available destinations (in Latin America and Carribean) and many other destination will be added during the next months.

Website of this Project

What is it?

MILONGA is a popular Latin American dance but it is also a project to get yourself involved, learn and bring your contribution to build fragments of fraternity in the world.

“Milonga” is promoted by Youth for a united world through the international NGO New Humanity. Currently it offers 12 destinations throughout South America (but shortly will be joined destinations in other areas!) where to implement an intercultural volunteer from one to twelve months.

How to participate

  1. See the list of our locations and choose the best matches your expectations.
  2. Sign up. We will contact you soon to a preliminary interview to evaluate your application and your motivations.
  3. Participate in a short period of free training that you prepare the trip.
  4. Start your international volunteer experience with “Milonga”

