Geneva: Young students from N. H. examine the “International System of Human Rights”

On 21st March, Room XXIV of the Palais des Nations hosted the seminar entitled “International System of Human Rights – Role of Holy See and Catholic inspired NGOs at the UN”. Organized by the New Humanity in Geneva delegation and by the Catholic Inspired NGO Forum, the event enjoyed the participation of 60 young students from all over the world and members of New Humanity.
The speakers at the event were: the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN, Mons. Silvano M. Tomasi, Dr. Alessandra Aula of the International Catholic Child Bureau, Professor Alfred Fernandez director of OIDEL and of Henry Dunant University College, Dr. Maria Mercedes Rossi, chief reprensentative of the association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII and Dr. Stefano Nobile of Caritas Internationalis.
The event was chaired by Dr. Jorge M. Dias Ferreira, New Humanity’s main representative at the Palais des Nations.
The speakers’ contributions fully met the expectations of the young people present, all of whom are engaged in a course of training in the Social Doctrine of the Church at the training centre in Montet (in the Swiss canton of Freiburg). A lively, open debate with the speakers ensued with the youngsters particularly appreciative of the practical involvement of the members of the various NGOs present in tackling cases of extreme poverty and in cooperating in harmony at the United Nations.
As one participant observed at the end of the conference, “a positive vision, one rich in hope, has been given of this great Institution which, despite its limits, makes it possible to act at an institutional level to advance towards a greater, concrete respect of human rights.“