Geneva: The Youngsters of N.H. Explore the System of Human Rights and the Role at the UN of the Catholic Inspired NGOs

The last 23th of June 2015 New Humanity’s Delegation in Geneva organised a Conference about the “International System of Human Rights and the Role of Holy See and Catholic Inspired NGO’S at the U.N.“
This event has been held at the Room VIII of the Palais des Nations especially for the fifty youngsters of New Humanity from 27 World Countries and it was organised together with the other Catholic Inspired NGOs in Geneva.
As in the preious years, this was a special occasion in order to show the action of New Humanity, the other Catholic inspired NGOs and the Holy See at the Palais des Nations to the young students of the focolare Movement at the International Center of Montet, Switzerland.
This group visited the Palais des Nations and then actively participated to the special conference organised for them – New Humanity’s values are the same of the focolari Movement. It was Jorge M. Dias Ferreira – as the main representative of New Humanity in Geneva – to welcome them and to moderate the conference.
Herafter, intervened an illustrious group of speakers: H.E. Msgr. Silvano Tomasi, Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Mission of the Holy See at the UN in Geneva; Ms Alessandra Aula, Secretary General of the International Catholic Child Bureau; Mr Alfred Fernandez, director of OIDEL and the Henry Dunant University College; Ms Maria Mercedes Rossi, main representative of Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII; Mr Stefano Nobile, Caritas Internationalis Advocacy Officer.
Events of the previous years
Geneva: Human Rights and Social Doctrine at the United Nations Palace
Geneva: Extracts from the conference: “The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Development”
Geneva: Young students from N. H. examine the “International System of Human Right”