Geneva: New Humanity at the Henry Dunant University College Summer Course on Human Rights

Two young New Humanity members were also among the participants at the 19th edition of the Summer Course promoted by Henry Dunant University College. The title of this edition: “Preparing the post-2015: a development based on Human Rights“.
Called on, from 9th to 13th September in Geneva, to reflect upon the future of Human Rights, for our young representatives the event was a unique opportunity to broaden their perspectives and offer an active contribution.
“It was exciting to actually see how procedures and institutions designed to ensure the safeguarding of human rights really operate” explained Federica Chiaro, postgraduate student of International Relations.
“The issues which we have studied – she continued – have demonstrated that human rights is the challenge of modernity, and that the needs linked to their observance and to their promotion sit perfectly with the concept of “development”.”
Tomaso Comazzi, second year postgraduate student of European Studies, expressed, too, his great satisfaction: “I was especially impressed by the great efforts which New Humanity and many other NGOs have been making to ensure that, from 2015, the international community abandon an approach based on merely meeting needs in favour of one which recognizes the greater human family’s possesson of a great number of inalienable rights. It is a big step forwards!”
The course was organized in two modules, the first completed in the month of July, by means of distance learning, with the second taking place from 9th to 13th September in Geneva. The interactive courses were held at various organizations and domestic and international institutions. Furthermore, the 16 participants from 9 different countries had the opportunity to attend some meetings of the Council of Human Rights at the Palais des Nations and also the parallel event on the post-2015 organized by New Humanity and other NGOs.
“As it happens, the added value of the experience lies, without doubt, in those people who have been our companions” observed Federica. “Our being so different has taught us to seek solutions which, though born of different sensibilities, and concerning a multiplicity of differing perspectives, adhere to a common project.”
“I’m going home enriched with many new tools for interpreting reality and for finding the answers to global inequalities – concluded Tomaso – and this is very important both at a personal level and in terms of the contribution that I will be able to make to New Humanity.”