Geneva: N. H. actively involved in the UN event on the Quality of Education

The round table organized by the “NGO Platform for the Right to Education” – for the XX Session of the UN Human Rights Council – would have been incomplete without the contribution of Mr. Jorge Ferreira, the Main representative of New Humanity in Geneva and an expert of the Educational and Developing fields.
“Quality of education: multiple challenges?” was the event’s title.
The seminar was an occasion to reflect on the “Quality of Education” Report, recently presented at the United Nations by Kishore Singh, Special UN Rapporteur on the Right to Education and one of the main contributors to this round table. The event took place on 21st June last, in conference room XV of the “Palais des Nations” in Geneva.
Being a school psychologist New Humanity’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations, Mr. Jorge Ferreira offered a very well-received contribution analysing the difficulties that pupils and teachers can encounter in relation to the Quality of Education.
He highlighted the main “tools” necessary to achieve a more inclusive education, provided the environment and family history of each pupil are clearly understood.
Dr. Ferreira particularly pointed out that all too often teachers do not take account of the condition of social and economic disadvantage that generally characterize the starting point of pupils from deprived backgrounds and the “objectification” risk: indeed, too frequently students end up losing all individual personality in the eyes of the school system, crushed – as they are – by the resulting pressure and the quantification of success.
«So, core and goal of each pathway, strategy and educational system must be the child, pupil, student or adult undergoing training in their very being.» These universally appreciated words brought to a close Mr Ferreira’s speech.
In the course of the seminar, numerous other personalities from the world of education spoke. Among others, Mrs. Elena Ippoliti, from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, an expert in educational and training methodology; Mr. Emmanuel Kabengele Mpinga, professor of the Medical Faculty of the University of Geneva and Mrs. Claire de Lavernette, the moderator and OIDEL Permanent Representative at the United Nations.