Geneva: Extracts from the conference: “The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Development”

On the occasion of the 20th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (6th June-6th July), on Friday 22nd June, in collaboration with the Catholic Inspired NGOs Forum based at the UN Headquarters in Geneva, New Humanity organized, at the Palais des Nations, the conference “The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Development”.
In addition to the numerous attendees, Dr. Francesco Pizzorno, President of New Humanity, and Dr. Jorge M. Dias Ferreira, its chief representative in Geneva were also present.
Below are some extracts from the conference:
(English) Role of NGOs in Deleopment – poster
(Italian) Mons. S. Tomasi – Il Ruolo delle ONG nello Sviluppo
(English) R. Espinosa – NGO and UN Development
(Italian) A. Fernandez – Sviluppo e diritto allo sviluppo
(Italian) M. Rossi – Il ruolo delle ONG cattoliche nello Sviluppo