New Humanity proposes “Co-Governance” as a model of local policies for the protection of human rights

14 June 2019, Palace of Nations, Geneva
Prof. Esther Salamanca, a New Humanity expert in the field of Human Rights, presented the experience of “Co-Governance” as a good local practice of sound policies for the promotion and protection of human rights, on the occasion of a seminar on the topic organized by the UN Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.
Co-Governance. From 17 to 20 January 2019, New Humanity, together with several partner and associated organizations, organized four days of debate and discussion on city governance, networking and on learning models of sustainability and coexistence. In her speech, Prof. Salamanca underlined the innovative strength of the project and the relevance of the “Pact for a new governance: networked cities” that the 400 participants signed at the end of the conference.
Echoes of the speech. Echoing the speech by Dr. Salamanca, some speakers said they shared the idea that the local dimension of good governance is fundamental for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and that, in their view, cities play an essential role in protecting human rights.
Priority towards the “least”. “I also appreciated the fact that the speeches of other speakers, Prof. Salamanca noted, emphasized that the Goals for Sustainable Development propose concepts dear to New Humanity, such as cooperation and dialogue “without leaving anyone behind”, and the priority towards the least and the most marginalized”.
Cooperation with other NGOs. The event was also attended by dr. Jorge M. Dias Ferreira, main representative of New Humanity in Geneva. Several representatives of Catholic-inspired NGOs active at the Human Rights Council also appreciated New Humanity’s intervention and shared their intention to continue collaborating on the subject.