Prometeo World UN 2019, the international project promoted by the association New Humanity (NGO of the Focolare Movement) and the Mario Diana Onlus Foundation from Caserta (Italy) offers two training and research grants worth € 5,000 each for young people with strong motivation and interest in international issues and for the promotion of dialogue and peace among peoples. The internship will take place at the UN headquarters in New York from February to May 2019.
The selection is open to graduates or undergraduates of the following subject areas: humanities, political sciences, international relations, law, international cooperation, communication, social management.
The selected young people will be accompanied on their journey by experts from New Humanity, an association that has been accredited for more than thirty years at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The aim of the internship is to conduct research on one or more issues related to the work of NGOs and UN projects, aimed at achieving the objectives defined by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Part of the project involves the creation of criteria and processes for the recognition, by the United Nations, of the “United World Week”: the international expo of good practices oriented to fraternity and social sustainability which, for over 30 years, has been promoted and organized by the youth of the Focolare Movement.
The deadline for the application is December 15, 2018. The announcement is available on the websites of the sponsoring bodies,
“Our Foundation through the ‘Seguimi’ environmental education project and the Prometeo section, from which this call is named, has been committed since long time ago with and for young people in order to witness, once again, how much it is necessary to put the new generations as the fulcrum of present and future strategies, and to promote growth and sustainable development – Antonio Diana, president of the Mario Diana Foundation has declared – Confronted with the global challenges facing humanity today, we need to train a generation of young people who are appropriately prepared, find spaces where they can best spend their energy and talent, develop transversal skills and ethical leadership skills, in so far as to be the bearers of an authentic social renewal.”
Marco Desalvo, president of New Humanity stressed the international opening of the initiative. “We wanted to open the call for young people of all nationalities, regardless of their culture and religious beliefs. As Pope Francis said: too often we talk about young people without being challenged by them. With this project we want the new generations, with creativity, style and originality that characterize them, make their voices heard in the locations where they take the most important decisions for the future of the planet. The role of a civil economy and of communion in the fight against poverty, policies on refugees and migrants, the strengthening of the role of women, the leadership of the new generations, are some of the areas on which we await proposals and ideas from young beneficiaries of the project.”
On September 24, 2018, the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres announced “Youth2030”, the new strategy for young people promoted by the UN, to increase global, regional and national actions that respond to the needs of the new generations, realize the their rights and offer them the opportunity to be agents of change.
To amplify the voice of the youth world for the promotion of a peaceful, just and sustainable planet, to support young people as a catalyst for peace and humanitarian actions, aimed for the common good, these are some of the priorities of “Youth2030” and these are also the objectives of the project Prometheus with the establishment of these two research grants.
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