Network and Dialogue for the Creation of a Spirit of Unity and Peace in the Mediterranean Basin


Second Job Shadowing Meeting of the MediterraNEW Project

From May 30 to June 2 in Castel Gandolfo (RM), the second of three job shadowing meetings was held as part of the Erasmus+ project “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW,” with the participation of educational partners from France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Egypt, and Lebanon.

The project aims to facilitate a pedagogical exchange between associations from Mediterranean countries working with youths aged 13 to 17, focusing on minors with a migratory background. The goal is to renew and enhance educational programs in a multidisciplinary and integrated manner and to implement them for the benefit of the young people in contact with these organizations. 

During the meeting, work sessions on the presentation and exchange of methodologies opened with the integration of minors with a migratory background. Azione Famiglie Nuove presented the “Fare Sistema Oltre l’Accoglienza” (FSOA) project, a program of social and occupational inclusion. Significant were the testimonies of Steve and Mamhou, respectively an educator at Casa Ismaele in Calabria, and a young person previously accommodated there. They highlighted key aspects such as the importance of welcoming, accepting differences, building support networks in the community, and especially a personalized intervention approach for each foreign minor under their care, with whom an individualized educational pact is carried out. This tool was appreciated by all educators present. The narratives showed how understanding others leads to overcoming prejudices and stereotypes, forming the basis for effective inclusion. Additionally, the effectiveness of the peer-to-peer methodology implemented by already integrated young foreigners towards their peers was highlighted.

Educational programs on peace education and active citizenship were then presented, including the international project “Living Peace” and the methodology “Six Steps for One Goal” (6X1), inspired by Service Learning. These are promoted in schools and other informal educational settings for youth in many countries. The proposed pedagogical tools led to shared work and a commitment to apply these methods in various contexts, with active participation of young people, creating exchange relationships, dialogue, and conflict resolution.

The testimonies of some young peace ambassadors were a moment of great involvement, demonstrating how peace starts from each individual and begins with small daily actions that every young person can take, with amplified impacts in their living context.

The following days were dedicated to intercultural and interreligious dialogue, through sharing methodologies and best practices that value dialogue, respect for others’ beliefs, and building relationships based on the Golden Rule found in major faiths, summarized as “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Facilitated by the context of the international symposium “One Human Family,” which included over 400 participants – Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Baha’is, and representatives of traditional African religions – the role of religions in weaving bonds of fraternity was highlighted. Testimonies from people in different conflict contexts demonstrated that engaging with others transforms many polarizations into supportive human relationships.

Discussions with educators addressed current issues such as the impact of new technologies and artificial intelligence on dialogue with new generations, and economic and environmental sustainability. The ongoing exchange of methodological approaches and between educators from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds has strengthened the intercultural competencies necessary for the interweaving of peoples and cultures in the Mediterranean. It has laid the foundation for more effective educational action for young people, based on an approach that better meets their needs and requirements.

Collaboration, network creation, organizational growth, and the enhancement of intercultural and interreligious dialogue emerged as key elements for creating a spirit of fraternity and peace in the Mediterranean basin.

Discover the project:

Lead organization: Centro Internazionale Studenti Giorgio La Pira – Fondazione.

Project partners: New Humanity; Fondazione Igino Giordani; Humanité Nouvelle; United World for Social Services; Cooperativa Gen Rosso; Azione Famiglie Nuove; Udruga Za Ekonomiju Zajednistva; Fonds Focolari Actions Solidarité.