12.05.2014Video: Let’s Bridge for a United World At the end of the Let’s Bridge Project, New Humanity opened its new You Tube account launching the video-spot Let’s Bridge for a United World.It was realized by... continue reading
11.05.2014Human Rights International Day: UNIRedes promotes a more Fraternal and Cohesive World In the occasion of the 64th UN International Day of Human Rights – 10th December – UNIRedes launched its “Action Plan for a more Fraternal and Cohesive... continue reading
11.05.2014Rome: “Natural Relationality and Environmental Awareness” – International Meeting of EcoOne How should we respect nature and, at the same time, value human creativity? International Meeting on “Natural Relationality and Environmental Awareness” would like to start an open... continue reading
7.05.2014Pise: “Live Your Challenge” – International Meeting of Sportmeet, is now concluded Live Your Challenge: Competition in Sports, Value and Critical Issues is the title of the 6th International Meeting of Sportmeet Association (partner of New Humanity). It took... continue reading
7.05.2014Cairo: New Humanity at the “Living Peace Festival” On 6th April, Cairo was the venue of the sixth edition of the “Living Peace Festival“. The event was held to present the results obtained thus far... continue reading
6.05.2014Living Peace: The Third Edition of the Project of Peace Education of New Humanity is Now Beginning Living Peace is the path of Peace Education of New Humanity and El Rowad American College (Egypt). It involves children and teens from 5 to 18 years... continue reading
5.05.2014Geneva: New Humanity and CINGO stoke the debate “How to advance the Right to Development” On the morning of 4th April 2014, at the bar des Délégués in the Palais des Nations, the Forum of Geneva Catholic inspired NGOs present in Geneva... continue reading
5.05.2014The Let’s Bridge Project is now concluding These days are the last for the Let’s Bridge Project, promoted by New Humanity and co-funded by the European Union as part of the Youth in Action... continue reading
1.05.2014Abidjan: Water accession is at the core of the meeting of the UNESCO’s Partner NGOs Forum It took place in Abidjan the 30th and 31st of July 2014 the last event of the UNESCO‘s Partner NGOs international Forum.There was also New Humanity among... continue reading
20.08.2013Rome: With Learning Fraternity, the fostering of fraternity in the world of education becomes a project Preparations are in full swing for the “Learning Fraternity” conference, from 6th to 8th September 2013 in Castelgandolfo (Rome).Responding to two of the major educational challenges of... continue reading