First ‘International Human Fraternity Day’

The first International Human Fraternity Day is celebrated on February 4, 2021 established by the United Nations General Assembly during its 75th plenary session. The choice of this particular date is a strong reminder of the historic signing of the Document on human brotherhood for world peace and living together by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayyib (February 4, 2019).
“Cultural diversity and freedom of belief are part of the rich tapestry of our civilizations,” explained António Guterres in his message as Secretary General of the UN. “As we commemorate the International Day of Human Fraternity, let us commit ourselves to do more to promote cultural and religious tolerance, understanding and dialogue.”
For all the people involved in the permanent laboratory of fraternity which is the United World Project, New Humanity NGO main project, this day can only be a cause of celebration, a springboard, an encouragement to do even more and better to promote dialogue, acceptance, mutual respect and understanding in our diversity. Therefore, on this occasion, we would like to give voice to some of the promoters of the United World Project who are spreading fraternity on all levels.
Tamara Pastorelli
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