Strasbourg: Grevin to the Round-table of “Religlion for Peace” About the Interreligious Dialogue
Mrs. Chantal Grevin – the main representative of New Humanity at the UNESCO in Paris – intervene to a Round-table at the European Parliament of Strasbourg entitled: “Welcome each other in Europe: a call to NON discrimination.” the event was organised by the “Religion for Peace” NGO.
Download: Intervention of Grevin at the European Parliament (French)
During her intervention, Grevin underlined the importance of a fight against discrimination which should be based on a fraternal dialogue. She reported various personal experiences and also other experiences of various Yoingsters which are part of the Youth for a United World Movement (the Youngsters members of New Humanity) which still are engaged since 2012 into the realisation of this important goal through their “United Wolrd Project.”
During her conclusions, Grevin said: “if we will act all together in a wide collection of these fragments, we would realise a wonderful fresco, presenting them as icons of the new world we want to develop among the daily clouds of violence and hate and Europe would be re-established.”
It was finally particularly interesting, the slogan of these event: “Stop the increasing discrimination to express your religious beliefs or to be who you are. All members of society, stand together and welcome each other!”