Paris: N.H. at the UNESCO’s celebrations for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
Celebrations for the International Day for the eradication of Poverty took place last October the 17th at the UNESCO‘s Headquarters in Paris.
New Humanity Delegation in Paris offered its contribution to the event, together with other NGOs (as ATD Quarto Mondo and AIC). New Humanity presented an oral declaration by Mr. Adelmo Galindo, from Brazil.
Download Mr.Galindo’s oral Statement in: English, French
During his intervention, Mr. Galindo remembered how he experienced extreme poverty as a child, and spoke of his involvement in the economy of communion, because, he said, “the dignity of a human is founded on the development of all dimensions of his person : physical, intellectual, and spiritual.”
This celebration found its full expression in the successive contributions of Ms Melo, representing UNESCO’s sector for Social and Human Sciences, of official representatives from three countries, and of people living in, or having lived in, poverty, whose testimony was very memorable.
H.E. Miguel Angel Estrella, Ambassador of Brazil, focused on the beauty which allows people to get back on their feet, Mr. Fabio Mendes Marzano, deputy minister from Brazil, underlined his country’s efforts in the fight against poverty, as did Mrs Alfasa Pare-Kaboré Burkina Faso’s permanent delegate.