Genfest 2012 is over. Now for Youth for a United World the “United World Project” is just beginning

Concluso il Genfest 2012 i Giovani per un Modno Unito lanciano ora lo United World Project

Just as the 12,000 member of Youth for a United World, from 80 Countries, who last week, along with 45,000 more via Internet, met in Budapest for the great event “Genfest 2012-Let’s Bridge”, it is also time to go home for the 2,000 youngsters from the 5 continents who have been in Rome in these last days, enliveling the “Youth for a United World Forum”.

In addition to a renewed energy in living as “workers” for a world united by fraternal love, each Genfest 2012 participant is recommencing ordinary life armed with the big project launched a week ago in Budapest: the United World Project.

«You are an organisation that shares differences in a very inspiring way!» stated on August 31st last, Mrs. Katalin Bogyay, President of the General Conference of the UNESCO, during her Speech at the Budapest’s Sport Arena, just before the opening concert of this tenth edition of the Genfest. «We can share the beauty,» she continued, «the interesting things and maybe also what we don’t like, but what is really important is that we can share and, if we are open to the others, we can inspire one another, and if we can inspire one another, we can work one with one another and that’s UNESCO’s goal. We probably come from different directions, different backgrounds, but the goal – peace and mutual respect – is the same!

United World ProjectEncouraged by this very prestigious support and with, through New Humanity, the patronage of UNESCO, the following day Youth for a United World, from the same stage, decided enthusiastically to accept the challenge which Mrs.Bogyay had laid down, by launching, through the United World Project, the call that universal brotherhood become the new focal point of politics, economy, work, protection of the environment, sport, communication and science.

This project is built upon three initiatives which take as their starting point the conviction that, despite the violent contradictions which scar mankind, ever more signs of unity and peace are emerging, day by day, and are growing around the world. It is for this reason, that Youth for a United World have launched theUnited World Network, proposing, to their friends, to the associations close to them, through the social networks, an undertaking to live by the golden rule ofdo unto others, as you would have them do unto you and to sign, with a virtual signature at, a “Charter of Brotherhood” which summarises specifically what steps Youth for a United World have planned to take in order to contribute to the achievement of universal brotherhood in every sphere.

The list of signatories to this special petition will be presented to the United Nations in the near future, in support of a proposal to sponsor, at an international level, a “United World Week”, when national and international institutions will commit themselves to implement “fraternal” policies and campaigns (United World Workshop), and will officially recognise a permanent Observatory for fraternity (United World Watch) which, will have its formal launch in Jerusalem at the end of the Genfest year, May 1st 2013.

In a nutshell, this Genfest’s slogan,Let’s Bridge, let’s build bridges of brotherhood to unite the world,from Budapest is spreading like wildfire to every part of the world!

Read too the article on the official UNESCO website
Final Document of Lets Bridge: A United Europe for a united world – Some reflections by youth

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